Welcome to the Choir page
On this page, you will find audio recordings from our parish choir, guest choirs and the the choir of St Romanos the Melodist, Melbourne. The choir of St Romanos comprises chanters from various Antiochian parishes in Melbourne and trains at St Nicholas under the direction of Fr. Jack Lutfi. For information about the choir’s activities or to order CDs, please contact us.
Hymns from a concert held at St Nicholas on May 15, 2010
The Great Moses (Arabic – 3:34)
Troparion of St Nicholas (English – 0:55)
Rejoice O faithful – resurrectional hymn (Eng. + Ar. – 7:01)
O Christ God – solo by Awni Nassrawi (Ar. – 2:51)
CD – Towards the Resurrection, by the choir of St Romanos
Today the Grace of the Holy Spirit (Ar – 1:20)
Troparian of Ss Peter and Paul
O Lord of Hosts
O Champion Leader
Awed by the beauty of your virginity (Ar – 2:35)
The hymn of Lazarus
I see your bridal chamber (Eng – 1:11)
Behold the bridegroom (Ar – 2:27)
The Praises (Tone 1)
When the Lord was going to His voluntary passion
The Lamentations (Ar + Eng – 11:09)
The angel cried
Christ is risen (Arabic)
Christ is risen (English)
First Paschal stichera
Fourth Paschal stichera
It is the day of Resurrections (Eng – 2:29)
Let our mouths be filled

Hymns from the the parish’s 75th Anniversary Liturgy 28 Oct 2007
Father Son and Holy Spirit (English – 634 KB)
Holy Lord of Sabaoth (English – 1.13MB)
It is truly meet (Arabic – 2.75 MB)
Hymns from the Pan-Orthodox Choirs Concert, May 5 2007
St Nicholas Choir (English)
Russian Orthodox parish, Dandenong (Slavonic)
Antiochian Orthodox Choir (Arabic)
Come receive a light & Processional
Irmoi 1 & 7 from Paschal Canon
The Lord reigns (Psalms 92/93)
Byzantine Choir of David the Psalmist (Greek)
Eothinon 7 – Lo, darkness and early dawn
Eothinon 2 – They who were with Mary
Prokeimenon – Who is so Great a God as our God?
Kornelie Stankovic Choir of the Serbian Orthodox Church (Slavonic)
O Pure Virgin (Arabic, Greek, English)